I'm using Crystal XI. Is it possible to change the Field Type from string to memo on a field in an existing report?
You would change it in the database then use "Verify Database" in your report to update the field type in Crystal.
A computer only does what you actually told it to do - not what you thought you told it to do.
Thanks. the issue I'm having is I'm reporting off an Excel data source, where the field may have more or less than 255 characters. If the field is more than 255 Crystal makes it memo, then if the data changes to less than 255 Crystal makes it string. The data changes back to more that 255 and Crystal tells you data has changed and pulls up mapping wizzard - and you have to remove the field and add it again. So, can't automate the report using Enterprise.
To cut a long story short I wondered if there was a way to make Crystal always keep a particular field as a particular type ie memo. Sounds like there isn't.