GP Retention Scheme

Are you keen to have the stability of regular sessions in the same practice for up to 3 years but with the flexibility to do additional sessional or OOH work? Are you a GP who is thinking of retiring or reducing your sessional commitment in practice? Are you a GP limited in the amount and form of work that you can do due to caring commitments?

An additional route to the GP Retention Scheme is now available for International Medical Graduates (IMGs) who have trained in the UK.

You can find out more about the range of opportunities available to International Medical Graduates requiring a Visa sponsor by watching this video (recorded April 2023)

The GP Retention Scheme could be for you

It has been very popular with both participating GPs and practices alike. The scheme is open to new applications. Click on the video links below to hear from GPs who have been on this scheme to find out more about why it has worked for them. Retainer Videos

It will provide stable work in a practice with a suitably supportive environment and an identified trained mentor for three years. It will include one out of hour’s session per month and a mandatory funded CPD programme provided by NIMDTA to assist with appraisal and revalidation. GPs can apply to join if they are included in the NI Primary Medical Services Performers List (NIPMPL), resident in NI, and have no conditions on their practice so can work without supervision. If you are an interested GP you should send your application form to

If your practice would be interested in employing a Retainer, please send an expression of interest form (below) to

Retainers, once appointed, will be given a list of interested practices in their chosen area and will be able to pick a practice.

You may find the information in the FAQs (below) helpful. You may also find the resources on the GPNI Careers website of interest. If you have any other queries, email the Associate Director for GP Career Development at NIMDTA, Dr Louise Sands (