Social Security Benefits, Finances, and Policy Options: A Primer

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The primer is a PowerPoint presentation of approximately 40 slides that provides factual background about Social Security, its benefits and finances, and some policy options to improve the program. The Academy’s income security staff ensures that the data in the presentation are up-to-date.

Topics covered include:

Users can download the PowerPoint presentation and sort the slides in a different order or pick and choose a subset to use. The presentation includes talking points that go with each slide. To view the talking points, simply go to View > Notes Page. The sources for the factual material are listed on each slide.

The PDF versions include both the slides and the notes pages that go with them on the same page.

What is Social Security?

The Financial Outlook

Can We Afford Social Security in the Future?

Strengthening Social Security

Briefing: Social Security Financing, Benefits, and Equity

This briefing featured an in-depth explanation of the Trustees’ projections of Social Security’s long-term finances. Attendees heard from the Chief Actuary of the Social Security Administration, Stephen C. Goss, and other experts. Discussants answered questions on Social Security’s future financing, benefits, and equity.

Thursday, Sept. 9 | 2:00 – 3:30 ET

What is Social Security?

How Many People Receive Social Security?