What to Know When Paying for Sex Might Cost You Your Clearance

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Security Clearance

On November 8, the Department of Justice announced allegations against three individuals who allegedly operated “sophisticated high-end brothels in greater Boston and northern Virginia” (Fairfax and Tysons). You may be thinking “What does this have to do with security clearances?” Or, if you are *ahem* personally familiar with the situation, you may be thinking “%^*#. Is this going to cost me my clearance?”

The latter camp may not be a small one, according to the DOJ Complaint Affidavit, which alleges that customers include, among other professions, politicians, military officers, government contractors who possess security clearances, professors, lawyers, business executives, technology company executives, scientists, and accountants.

Whether you’re intimately involved (pun intended) or just a curious Carol, here’s the deal: buying or selling sex generally raises concerns under Guidelines D (Sexual Behavior), J (Criminal Conduct), and/or E (Personal Conduct). And, as always, every case is different, but there are common themes that may make the situation worse or may make it a little better.




Applicant’s contention that he is not participating in prostitution brings to mind a Latin phrase, “res ipsa loquitur,” i.e., the thing speaks for itself. He paid money to engage in casual, sexual encounters. Despite his claim to the contrary, the routine practice of paying a fee to remove random women from bars and then later on that same occasion engage in sexual activity with them is a form of prostitution.

These are not exhaustive lists and no two cases are the same. It is important to look at and be prepared to discuss all of the circumstances around the decisions made and actions taken, the impacts of those decisions and actions, and the choices one has made since then. There are no sure fixes when it comes to allegations of paying for sex, but it is not impossible to overcome.

The above content is not legal advice and does not create an attorney-client relationship. The handling and outcome of any legal matter depends on varying factors unique to each matter, and results cannot be predicted or guaranteed. Do not act upon information without seeking legal counsel.